Eco Print and Risograph Monotype Workshop - with Jess Crisp


Eco Print and Risograph Monotype Workshop
Inverness Creative Academy, Midmills Bldg, Stephen's St, Inverness IV2 3JP
Max 20 people
Costs: £30 per head
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Join us for a special guest workshop with Jess Crisp at the Inverness Creative Academy!

The Workshop
First, we will go for a short foraging walk around Inverness, looking at examples of commonly found dye plants, discussing their properties and the colours they can give us.

Back in the space we will then fold our recycled paper. We can focus on making cards and simple stationary or create Zines using a simple 8 page fold.

We will then experiment with Monotype using repurposed Riso printing ink. This process has the benefit of being very simple, portable, without the need for specialist equipment, using repurposed biodegradable rice bran oil Riso ink.

We will then soak the folded paper in an iron rich solution made from rusty nails before layering the pages with overlapping petals and leaves collected on our walk, press them tightly together and steam the bundles in a tea urn. During the steaming process the iron and the tannins in the plant material will react to leave beautifully intricate impressions on the paper.

We finally unwrap the bundles and unfold the paper to reveal the botanical impressions layered on top of the Riso marks. Because the Riso ink is made from rice bran oil, all of the marks remain intact throughout the steaming and dyeing process as the oily ink repels the water.

At that point we will blot the prints dry and lay them out to have a look and chat about them before wrapping them up for people to take home.

About the Creatives
Jessica Crisp is an Artist, Printmaker, Teacher and Master Printer. After studying Printmaking at Gray's School of Art and graduating in 2007 Jessica has worked for several years teaching Printmaking and running Print studios, most recently at Edinburgh Printmakers. She loves teaching processes and her own work echos this daily focus on making complex ideas clear.

Alice Prentice runs Isle of Riso, a print and design studio in Inverness with a primary focus on Risograph Printing. Their aim is to work with local creatives, teach the use of risograph printing and offer an approachable, eco-friendly and cost-effective way of printing. In her design work, she takes inspiration from the natural world, drawing from animals and plant life.

The workshop is designed for artists and hobbyists alike. Whether you're an avid artist or just looking to explore your creative side, this workshop is designed for all skill sets. There are no age limitations, the workshop is flexible and can be tailored to widely varying groups.

All materials used in the workshop are either found, repurposed or recycled. The Riso ink and masters used for mono printing are a waste material from the Risograph printing process which would usually end up in landfill.

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Image of Drink & Draw Hosted by Isle of Riso
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